Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Getting Ready

I am very excited about my trip to Jerusalem! Although there are many factors that can bring me down for example my mother is in the hospital, my health problem , it is peak season at my work , and my husband and my 2 lovely daughters need me, but i will not let these reasons get in my way .

So I have decided to focus and dedicate myself to this mission. Once again I really wish that some of you will join me on this trip , but hopefully the next trip we can all go together as one big group. Wish me luck!

You all will be in my thoughts .


Mayrazik said...

You are a brave women sahar for taking this trip at this time, it is very inscure now over there, but I know your commitment and patriotism to this human cause and nothing can stop you now. I wish you lots of luck and a safe retun home to your family who needs you now more than ever. Good luck, May

Hanan Patel said...

You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Take good care of yourself.
We appreciate your caring spirit.

Bob Carter said...

Bless you Sahar for your courage and committment. Be safe and may your participation bring some change for the better.


Hanan Patel said...

Hope you made it safely.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
We are anxious to hear from u.

Aseel Saqer said...

Good Luck on your trip Auntie... please stay safe and share the message with the Palestinian people that we care deeply about them.